About Quincy

Quincy Mine Hoist Association

The Quincy Mine Hoist Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation that owns and operates the Quincy Mine properties. The mission of the Mine Hoist Association is to preserve, interpret, and educate the public about the history of copper mining in Michigan, the Quincy Mining Company, and to preserve the mine site.

We educate the public by maintaining this website, conducting guided tours of several important surface buildings and of the interior of the mine, and offering special tours for schools and other groups.

Our Mission

The Quincy Mine Hoist Association preserves and interprets the history, landscapes, buildings, and industrial work experiences of the Quincy Mining Company, educating people about Michigan’s significant copper mining heritage.

Our Vision

The Quincy Mine serves as a critical gateway into the Copper Country’s rich heritage. Utilizing its unique historical resources – its historic mining location, buildings, equipment, and underground mine – as well as high-quality interpretive tours, exhibits, and programming, the Quincy Mine site provides an engaging and educational visitor experience, instilling excitement about Michigan’s copper mining past. The Quincy Mine Hoist Association provides leadership to, and a role model for, other agencies through its strong governance structure, diversified revenue model, and active programming.

Goals and Priorities

GOAL 1: Promote stewardship of historic resources, including landscapes, structures, equipment, and other historic artifacts.

1.1) Preserve our existing resources by focusing on the maintenance and repair of existing historic materials and retention of the landscape as it has evolved over time. Example: capping the ruins of buildings on our property.

1.2) Rehabilitate some resources in order to meet continuing or changing uses while retaining the property’s historic character. Example: adaptive reuse of the former supply building as a gift shop.

1.3) Reconstruct vanished or non-surviving portions of the property for interpretive purposes. Example: complete reconstruction of a former QMC building for use as an interpretive center.

GOAL 2: Interpret and educate the public about our primary historical themes: 1) the history of the Quincy Mining Company; 2) geology and mining in Michigan’s copper district; 3) the changing industrial landscape in Michigan’s copper district; and 4) the industrial workplace in Michigan’s copper district.

2.1) Develop and conduct tours that educate and inform visitors.

2.2) Develop and build exhibits, including virtual exhibits on our website.

2.3) Conduct at least two on-site special events each year.

2.4) Publish books, pamphlets, multimedia products, and newsletters that engage our membership, promote our organization, and educate and inform people about our primary themes.

GOAL 3: Maintain a sustainable operating organization.

3.1) Provide effective management of operation through proper staffing, training, directing, and oversight of all aspects of operations.

3.2) Maintain all mine and surface structures, equipment, and landscapes

3.3) Provide proper administration of business accounts, employee compensation, and funds management.

3.4) Develop an annual marketing and communications plan that includes a calendar of activities.

3.5) Develop a fund development plan to augment our existing income sources.

3.6) Elect and sustain a board of directors to assist in the association’s operation and planning.

Our Current Volunteer Board of Directors:

Glenn Anderson – President

George Kiiskila – 1st Vice President

Lindsay Hiltunen – 2nd Vice President

Ross Cooney – Treasurer

Dan Jamison – Secretary

Julie Badel – Director

Donna Cole – Director

Mark S. Dennis – Director

Gaylord Faull – Director

Allan Johnson – Director

David Jukuri – Director

John Lawton – Director

Robin Mueller – Director

Stan Vitton – Director

Theresa Sanderson Spence – Director Emeritus