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Fishes of Isle Royale

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Fishes of Isle Royale
Product Details
Fishes of Isle Royale

by Karl . F. Lagler and Charles. R. Goldman

This book  was published in 1959 (reprinted in 1964, revised in 1982) by the Michigan Sea Grant (publication number MICHU-SG-81-212) and the Isle Royale Natural History Association.

This publication provides an overview of Isle Royale National Park, including location in Lake Superior, topography, history, and origin of fishes to this area. This book describes fish habitats of Isle Royale including Lake Superior, open shore, sheltered shore, rapid flowing water, and quiet inland waters. Finally, this publication highlights the variety of fish species specific to the area, how to identify them, and information about Isle Royale fishing.

 Printed in USA.