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World War II & The Great Lakes

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World War II & The Great Lakes
Product Details

World War II & The Great Lakes: Submarines, Bombers and Oreboats by Wes Oleszewski.

Paperback.  288 pages.
Genres:  history.


Those who had yet to be born when World War II raged cannot imagine the fear, anger, suffering and sacrifice experienced by those who witnessed and fought in that conflict. Not only was freedom threatened, but the very fabric of human civilization was in danger. In order to preserve their very existence, free people had to mobilize and fight the evil that threatened to envelope the world. When FDR coined the term "Arsenal of Democracy" he knew that the heart of that arsenal was the industrial strength of the Great Lakes region. This book is not the complete story of tat effort. Rather this is a series of stories that will give the reader a historically accurate glimpse into the efforts of everyday working people who did their part to save the world during the dark days between 1939-1945.